Canada Royal Milk respecte vos droits en matière de confidentialité et de protection des données lorsque vous communiquez (en ligne ou hors ligne) avec nous par l'entremise de nos divers sites Web, applications mobiles, programmes et événements hors ligne, et se conforme à toutes les lois et à tous les règlements applicables. Nous avons donc élaboré la présente politique de protection de la vie privée (la «politique de protection de la vie privée») pour vous informer de la façon dont Canada Royal Milk ULC et ses filiales et entités dans lesquelles elle a un intérêt, y compris les tiers agissant en son nom (collectivement, «Canada Royal Milk», «nous» ou «notre») recueille, conserve, utilise, partage, traite, divulgue et protège les renseignements personnels de nos consommateurs et candidats à l’emploi («vous»). Elle vous indique également comment accéder à vos renseignements personnels et les mettre à jour, et comment faire certains choix quant à l'utilisation de vos renseignements personnels.
En utilisant nos sites web, nos applications ou en nous communiquant vos renseignements personnels, vous acceptez les pratiques décrites dans la présente politique de protection de la vie privée. Si vous n'acceptez pas cette politique, vous ne devez pas utiliser nos sites web ou nos applications ni nous communiquer vos renseignements personnels. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier la présente politique à tout moment. Toute modification sera publiée dans la présente politique et les modifications importantes seront notifiées de manière visible sur le site web ou l'application auxquels s'applique la présente politique ou vous seront communiquées d'une autre manière avant l'entrée en vigueur de la modification. Nous vous encourageons à consulter régulièrement la présente politique afin de vous assurer que vous êtes au courant de tout changement et de la manière dont vos renseignements personnels peuvent être utilisés.
Collecte de renseignements personnels
Nous recueillons les renseignements personnels que vous nous donnez, y compris lorsque vous créez un compte, faites un achat, ouvrez une session sur nos sites Web ou applications, communiquez avec nous, fournissez votre opinion, remplissez un formulaire, nous envoyez un courriel, postulez un emploi, nous appelez, partagez du contenu sur un site de Canada Royal Milk ou partagez publiquement de l'information sur Canada Royal Milk dans les médias sociaux.
Nous pouvons également recueillir certaines données automatiquement lorsque vous accédez à l'un de nos sites Web ou à l'une de nos applications. Vous serez informé de cette collecte la première fois que vous visiterez l'un de nos sites Web ou l'une de nos applications par le biais d'une bannière affichée sur le site Web ou l'application. Ces données collectées comprennent des informations telles que votre adresse IP, l'identifiant de votre appareil, votre navigateur ou la façon dont vous interagissez avec les sites de Canada Royal Milk avant ou après avoir créé un compte Canada Royal Milk. Vous pouvez consulter notre Politique sur les témoins de connexion pour plus d'informations sur ces technologies.
Nous recueillons des données à partir d'autres sources légitimes telles que les partenaires promotionnels tiers de Canada Royal Milk, des sources publiques, des données provenant de votre interaction avec notre publicité, ou des renseignements personnels qui font partie de votre profil sur un réseau social que vous avez mis à notre disposition.
Pour plus d'informations sur les renseignements personnels que nous recueillons, veuillez consulter la section 2. «Quels sont les renseignements personnels que nous recueillons ?» de la présente politique.
Objectifs de la collecte de renseignements personnels
Nous traitons vos renseignements personnels, y compris les renseignements personnels sensibles que vous nous avez fournis avec votre consentement, pour :
éxécuter vos commandes
répondre à vos questions
améliorer nos produits, nos sites web et nos applications et les personnaliser en recueillant des informations démographiques et les commentaires des consommateurs
accroître l'engagement des consommateurs en recueillant, en utilisant et en publiant du contenu consommateur tel que les informations de votre profil, les activités promotionnelles et l'engagement avec le site web et le contenu numérique
administrer des concours, des tirages au sort, des offres, des compétitions et des promotions similaires
vous fournir des communications sur Canada Royal Milk et nos produits. Nous combinons vos renseignements personnels provenant de toutes les sources afin de mieux vous comprendre et d'améliorer et de personnaliser votre expérience lorsque vous interagissez avec nous
pour nous aider à nous conformer à la loi, pour vendre ou transférer toute partie pertinente de notre entreprise, pour gérer nos systèmes et nos finances, pour mener des enquêtes et pour exercer des droits légaux
pour déterminer l’admissibilité à un poste, vérifier les références fournies ainsi que les qualifications
pour vous permettre de postuler à une offre d'emploi
Pour plus d'informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous recueillons des renseignements personnels et sur la manière dont nous les utilisons, veuillez consulter la section 3. « Comment utilisons-nous vos renseignements personnels ? » de la présente politique.
Divulgation de renseignements personnels
Nous nous engageons à limiter la divulgation de vos renseignements personnels, mais nous devons toutefois les divulguer dans certains cas et principalement aux destinataires suivants :
les entreprises du groupe Canada Royal Milk
des tiers engagés par nous pour fournir des services tels que l'administration des sites Web, des applications et des services de Canada Royal Milk (p. ex. caractéristiques, programmes et promotions) qui vous sont offerts, sous réserve des protections appropriées
Relevant public agencies and authorities, if required to do so by law or respond to claims, or protect the safety or rights of Canada Royal Milk, its customers or the public
We may process your personal information outside of the country in which you are based for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy Policy. When we transfer your personal information to other countries (or outside Quebec if you reside in the province), we take all necessary reasonable steps to ensure that applicable laws are being followed.
For more information on who we disclose personal information to and why, please see section 6. “Who do we disclose your personal information to and why?” of this policy.
If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@canadaroyalmilk.com.
For a detailed description of our privacy practices, please click on any of the questions .
What does this Privacy Policy apply to?
Quels sont les renseignements personnels que nous recueillons ?
How do we use your personal information?
How do we protect your personal information?
What happens if you refuse to provide your personal information?
Who do we disclose your personal information to and why?
How can you access, modify, or make other choices regarding the use of your personal information?
How do we track and manage your personal information?
What is spamming and what is our position on spam e-mails?
How long do we keep your personal information?
Do we collect personal information from children?
Do we link to other third-party sites?
How can you contact us?
1. What does this Privacy Policy apply to?
This Privacy Policy applies to personal information that we collect from or about our consumers and job applicants through the methods described in this section.
This Privacy Policy does NOT apply to information collected by our affiliate companies, or joint venture partners. It does not apply to our business customers (e.g., retailers, distributors, etc.).
Please note we may combine personal information that we collect via one method (e.g., a website) with personal information that we collect via another method (e.g., an offline event). We do this to get a more complete view of our consumers, which, in turn, allows us to serve you better and with more customization.
Canada Royal Milk websites and applications
This refers to any consumer-directed websites and applications operated by Canada Royal Milk, including websites that we operate under our own domains/URLs and websites that we run on third party social networks such as Facebook (e.g. Facebook fan page).
Canada Royal Milk electronic messaging programs
This refers to any consumer-directed electronic messaging programs operated by Canada Royal Milk including e-mail, text, and other electronic messages. These programs might be advertised on one of our websites or applications or in a print ad.
Advertising interactions
Interactions with our advertisements (e.g., if you interact with on one of our ads on a third-party website, we may receive information about that interaction).
Data we assemble
In the course of our interactions with you, we may assemble personal information about you (e.g. records of your purchases from our websites).
Data from other sources
This refers to personal information we may obtain about you from other sources. For example, we may hire a third-party data aggregator to provide us additional information about our existing consumers (this is known as “data appending”). We may also receive information from third party co-sponsors who we may occasionally partner with to run special contests or other promotions. We may also receive information about consumers when we acquire other companies, from public sources, from third party social networks, social media, public platforms and through market research (if feedback is not provided on an anonymous basis).
2. What information do we collect?
Depending on how you interact with us (online, offline, over the phone, etc.), we may collect from you various types of information (personal and aggregate), as described in this section.
Personal information (as used in this Privacy Policy) refers to such types of information that can be used to personally identify you, whether alone or in combination with other available information, whereas aggregate information does not allow for such identification.
In some instances (and unless we say otherwise below), we may combine/link one type of information with another type of information (e.g., personal contact information with account login and/or demographic information) and store them together in our records. In cases, where personal and aggregate information are combined, such information will always be considered as personal information. We strive to limit the amount of personal information we collect and store to that which is reasonably necessary to provide you the relevant services. We generally store your personal information for as long as your account is active with us or as needed to provide you the relevant services. We may store your personal information for a longer period of time to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, or for records management purposes.
Personal contact information
This includes any information that would allow us to personally contact you, such as your name, home or mailing address, phone number (home, cell, etc.), or email address. In some cases, this could include personal information that you give us about someone else (for example, if you provide a friend’s email address for a tell-a-friend program). We typically collect personal contact information in connection with a variety of activities, including general website registration, newsletter sign-up, website and social community features, online purchases, consumer service inquiries, contests and other promotions, and consumer surveys. If you create an account with us, your personal contact information may be stored under your account profile.
Account login information
This refers to any information that is required for you to establish a unique account with us or for us to give you access to your specific account profile. Examples may include your login ID/email address, screen name, password, and/or security question and answer. We only collect unique login information for those activities that require an account, such as general website registration, newsletter sign-up, and website and social community features. Your login information, especially your password, should be kept confidential and never shared with anyone else. To change your login email address or password, log in to the relevant edit account section of our site (if available), use the “forgot password” feature of our site (if available), or contact us at privacy@canadaroyalmilk.com
Demographic information
This includes any information that describes your demographic or psychographic characteristics. Examples may include your date of birth, age or age range, gender, geographic location (e.g., postal code, city, and province, mobile location), favorite products, hobbies and interests, and household or lifestyle information. This may include sensitive information, such as about your health, medical conditions, nutrition, exercise habits and goals, your children’s genders, feeding styles, birthdates, or expected due dates (see “Sensitive Personal Data” section below). It may also include information about work status or professional credentials. We may collect demographic information in connection with a variety of activities, including general website registration, newsletter sign-up, website and social community registration, contests and other promotions, and consumer surveys. If you create an account with us, you may be allowed to modify certain demographic information stored under your account. To do so, log in to the relevant edit account section of our site (if available) or contact us at privacy@canadaroyalmilk.com
For demographic information stored under your profile on a third-party social network (e.g., Facebook), see the separate paragraph on “Social network information.” below.
Health care practitioner information
If you are a health care practitioner, we may collect information about you and your practice such as your name, language preference, profession, medical opinions, specialty, address, phone number and email address. We may collect this information directly from you or your colleagues, or from public sources such as business directories. We use this information to better understand your needs and preferences, personalize our interactions with you, and send business communications to you in order to keep you informed about the latest information about our products that may be of interest to you and/or your patients.
Technical computer information
This includes any information about the computer system or other technological device that you may be using to access one of our websites or applications. We typically collect this information through automated technologies such as cookies and web beacons. Examples of technical computer information may include your computer’s IP address, operating system type, and web browser type. If you access a Canada Royal Milk website or application via a mobile device such as a smartphone, the collected information may also include your phone’s unique device ID, geo-location and other similar mobile device data. Please see Section 8 “How do we track and manage your personal information? ” for more information on how we use these technologies.
Website usage information
This includes information about how you use and navigate our websites and applications, including which links you click on, which pages or content you view and for how long, and other similar information and statistics about your interactions with a Canada Royal Milk website or application (e.g., date and time of visit, which site you came from, favourite recipes and site activities, contest and game scores , etc.). This information is captured using automated tracking technologies such as browser cookies, flash cookies, and web beacons, and may also be collected through the use of third-party tracking services (such as Google Analytics) that collect data in aggregate (such as number of visits to a particular page, or the amount of time spent on a web site). We may also use these technologies, such as web beacons, to capture information about how users respond to certain email campaigns (e.g., time the email is opened, where user links to from the email, etc.). Please see Section 8 “How do we track and manage your personal information?” for more information on how we use these technologies.
Consumer feedback
This includes information that you voluntarily share with us about your experience in using our products and services, including our websites and applications. Examples may include unsolicited comments and suggestions, testimonials, or other questions or feedback related to our products. We typically collect this information in the form of consumer surveys, consumer panels, contact forms, and email correspondence.
Consumer-generated content
This refers to any content that you create and then share with us (and perhaps others) by uploading it to one of our websites, mobile applications, or social media channels. Examples may include photos, videos, personal stories, or other similar media or content. We may collect and publish consumer-generated content in connection with a variety of activities, including contests and other promotions, website community features, consumer engagement, and third-party social networking.
Social network information
This refers to any information that you share publicly on a third-party social network or is part of your profile on a third-party social network (such as Facebook), and that you allow the third-party social network to share with us. Examples include your basic account information (e.g. name, email address, gender, birthday, current city, profile picture, user ID, list of friends, etc.) and any other additional information or activities that you permit the third-party social network to share with third party application developers. For example, we may receive your social network profile information (or parts of it) every time you download or interact with a Canada Royal Milk web application on a social network such as Facebook or every time you use a social networking feature that is integrated within a Canada Royal Milk website (such as Facebook Connect). To learn more about how your information from a third party social network may be obtained by us (or other third party application developers), please visit the website of the relevant social network. We may also use your personal information to match information with a social network for advertising purposes (see “Marketing communications” under Section 3 of this Privacy Policy). Employment-Related Data
This relates information that you include in a job application that you submit to us, such as information relating to education, training, work experience, employment history, salary history, professional and personal references, submitted resume or job application form, and pre-employment checks (references, criminal and credit history) when required.
Payment information
This includes any information that you use to make a purchase, such as your credit card details (cardholder name, card number, expiration date, etc.) or other forms of payment (if such are made available). This also includes the billing name and address associated with your form of payment. If you create an account with us when making a purchase, your payment information may be stored under your account profile. To review or edit this information, log in to the relevant edit account section of our site (if one is available) or contact the consumer service department listed at the relevant store website.
Sensitive Personal Data
We process certain sensitive personal data that you provide to us for marketing purposes with your prior express consent. If we process your sensitive personal data for other purposes, we rely on the following legal bases: (i) detection and prevention of crime (including the prevention of fraud); and (ii) compliance with applicable law.Other information (depending on context)
This refers to any other information that we might need to collect for a specific Canada Royal Milk form, feature, or other service that you use or request. What this information includes will vary depending on the method of collection and the specific purpose(s) for which the information is being collected. Please see Section 3 (“How do we use your personal information?”) for more specific examples.
3. How do we use your personal information?
The following paragraphs describe the various purposes and features for which we might collect and use your personal information. Please note that not all the uses below will be relevant to every consumer.
Account maintenance
We may use your personal information to maintain your accounts with us, including administering any consumer loyalty, rewards or membership programs that are associated with your account. This typically involves the use of personal information that was originally collected to set up your account (e.g., personal contact information, payment information, account login information, demographic information, etc.).
Consumer service
We may collect and use your personal information to provide you consumer service, including responses to your inquiries. This typically requires the collection and use of certain personal contact information (such as your name or email address) and information regarding the reason for your inquiry (e.g., order status, technical issue, product question/complaint, general question, etc.). Consumer service may be provided through various forms of communication, including email correspondence, call centre support, social communities.
Product improvement and customization
We may collect and use your personal information so we can constantly improve our products, tailor them to your needs, and come up with new product ideas. This mostly involves the collection and use of demographic information and consumer feedback.
Consumer engagement
We may collect and use your personal information to get you more actively engaged with our products and services (including our websites and applications), thereby increasing overall brand engagement and awareness. This mostly involves the collection, use, and publication of consumer-generated content, profile information, promotional activity, engagement with our websites & digital content.
Contests and other promotions
We may collect and use your personal information to administer a contest, sweepstakes, giveaway, competition, or other similar marketing campaign or promotion. These events typically require the collection and use of personal contact information (for prize fulfilment), demographic information (for eligibility determination), and, in some instances, consumer-generated content. Some of our promotions may be run on third party social networks such as Facebook (for example, on our Facebook fan pages). To comply with legal requirements, we may publish or share a limited amount of personal information (such as name and city of residence) about the winners of a particular promotion. For more information about our contests and other promotions, please see the official rules or details posted with each promotion.
Marketing communications
We may collect and use your personal information to send you marketing communications, such as email communications, SMS text messages, and postal mailings. Please note that if you choose to opt-in to receiving SMS text messages, your mobile service provider’s fees for messaging will apply. We may also show you marketing communications on other websites, including on social media sites where you are a member, by matching activities or information collected on our websites with those collected on third party sites (“Targeted Advertising”). These marketing communications will keep you up-to-date on the latest news, events, special offers, and promotions from our brands of interest to you. On occasion, these communications may also introduce you to other Canada Royal Milk brands and inform you about offers and promotions from other third-party companies. Sending you marketing communications mostly requires the collection and use of certain personal contact information and demographic information. In some instances (such as for mobile applications and text messaging programs), this could involve the use of your precise geo-location, which may allow us to send you location-based offers and promotions. You can always opt-out from receiving marketing-related email communications or text messages by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each such communication. If you have an account with us, you may be given the option to change your communication preferences under the relevant edit-account section of our site (if available) or by contacting Consumer Services. Changing these preferences would also remove you from our lists for future Targeted Advertising. You may also visit social media sites where you are a member to explore opt out options they may provide for Targeted Advertising. Please note that even if you opt out from receiving marketing communications, you may still receive administrative communications from us, such as order confirmations, notifications about your account activities (e.g., account confirmations, password changes, etc.), and other important announcements. You will also still see generic ads on other websites, including on social media sites where you are a member.
Also, please note that if you participated in a promotion that involved a third-party company, and, as part of that promotion, you agreed to receive future marketing communications directly from that third party, you will need to contact the third party (not Canada Royal Milk) to opt-out from such communications. This process may be outlined in the third party’s privacy policy.
Third party social networking
We may collect and use your personal information when you interact with third party social networking features such as “Facebook Connect” or “Facebook Like”. These features may be integrated in our sites or applications for the purposes of running contests, allowing you to share content with friends, or other stated purposes. If you use these features, we may have the ability to obtain certain information about you from your social networking profile (see “Social network information” under Section 2 of this Privacy Policy). You can learn more about how these features work, and the profile data we may obtain about you, by visiting the website of the relevant third party social network.
Website improvement and personalization
We may collect and use your information to improve and personalize your experience on our websites and applications, to analyze your preferences and habits, to anticipate your needs based on our analysis of your profile, to improve and personalize your experience on our websites and apps, to ensure that content from our website/apps is optimized for you and for your computer or device and to participate in interactive features. This is typically done through automated tracking technologies (please also see Section 8 of this policy) that collect and remember certain account login information, technical information, and/or previous website usage information. For example, we might remember your login ID/email address or screen name so you can quickly login the next time you visit our site or so you can easily retrieve the items you previously placed in your shopping cart. Based on this type of information, we may also show you specific Canada Royal Milk content or promotions that are tailored to your interests.
Website community features
We may collect and use your personal information to give you access to website community features, including features that may allow you to upload and share recipes, pictures, videos, artwork, or other messages or content. This typically involves the collection, use, and (in some instances) public display of certain personal contact information, account login information, demographic information, and/or consumer-generated content. Because these features are “communal” in nature, information or content that you post in these areas may be visible to others. Please use caution when using these features or uploading content to a Canada Royal Milk site. For some community features, we may give you the ability to control whether some parts of your profile can be seen by others. To access these settings, log in to the relevant edit account section of our site (if one is available) and access your community profile. For website community features that have social networking integration (such as “Facebook Connect”), see separate paragraph on “Third party social networking”.
Website viral features (e.g. referral program, contest)
We may request and use your personal information so you can use website viral features, such as our referral features. These features allow you to easily share certain news, product information, promotions, wish list items, or other content with family members and friends. These features typically require the collection and use of personal contact information (such as names and email addresses) so that the selected one-time message or content can be delivered to the proper recipients. In most cases, we do not retain the information provided. In some cases (for example, as part of a referral program), we may store the information so we can track and reward consumers for their successful referrals. For referral or other viral features administered by third party social networks (such as Facebook’s “Share” and “Like” features), please refer to the website of the relevant social network for additional information.
Order fulfilment
We may collect and use your personal information to process and ship your orders, to inform you about the status of your orders, correct addresses and conduct identity verification and other fraud-detection activities. This could involve the collection and use of certain personal contact information, payment information, account login information, and/or other information related to your purchase (such as products ordered). This could also involve the on-going storage of your payment information to allow for easier checkout on future purchases.
Please note that there are many independent e-commerce sites that Canada Royal Milk products but that are not controlled or operated by Canada Royal Milk. Because these sites may have different practices than we do, we recommend that you read their privacy policies before making any purchases on those sites.
Other general purposes (e.g., website security, internal research)
We may collect and use your information for other general business purposes, such as to maintain the day-to-day operation and security of our websites and applications, to conduct internal marketing and demographic studies (including using anonymized personal information in a statistical or aggregated form for research purposes) and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. These activities mostly require the collection and use of certain demographic information, technical computer information, website usage information, and consumer feedback.
We collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information for the purposes of assessing and ensuring the credit worthiness of suppliers and customers and for the purpose of determining the continuing viability of such suppliers and customers when entering or renewing contracts for supply of products to and from such suppliers or customers.
Employment-Related Data
When you submit personal information to us for the purposes of applying for a job, we may collect, use, hold and disclose the personal information submitted in order to determine your eligibility for a position with us, verify references provided as well as your qualifications, and also to communicate with you regarding your application.
4. How do we protect your personal information?
We use a variety of standard methods to help keep your information confidential and secure. Please note, however, that these protections do not apply to information you choose to share in public areas such as our website and social community features or other social areas.
Secure operating environments
We store your information in secure operating environments that are protected from the public and that we only allow authorized Canada Royal Milk employees and agents/contractors to access on a need-to-know basis. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect personal information; however, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Also, as part of our standard procedures, your personal information may be stored and processed in jurisdictions outside the country such as China. In such cases, we continue to use generally accepted industry standards and secure operating environments to protect your information. However, regulatory authorities in those jurisdictions may be able to gain access to your information pursuant to the laws of those jurisdictions.
We use industry-standard encryption to provide greater protection for sensitive financial information, such as credit card information, sent to us over the web. For example, encryption is used when you make payments through our online stores. Please note, however, that there are many independent e-commerce sites that sell Canada Royal Milk products but that are not controlled or operated by Canada Royal Milk. Because these sites may have different practices than we do, we recommend that you read their privacy policies before making any purchases.
Prior authentication for account access
We require our registered consumers to verify their identity (e.g., login ID/email address, password) before they can access or make changes to their account information. This helps prevent unauthorized access to your account.
Measures we expect you to take
It is important for you to also play a role in keeping your information safe and secure. When signing up for an online account, please be sure to choose an account password that is hard for others to guess and never reveal your password to anyone else. If you use a shared or public computer, never choose to have your login ID/email address or password remembered and make sure to log out of your account every time you leave the computer. You should also make use of any privacy settings or controls we may provide you in our website community areas.
5. What happens if you refuse to provide your personal information?
If you choose not to submit any personal information when requested, you may not be able to participate in certain activities and personalized features and you may limit the services and special offers we can provide you. For example, if you refuse to share your email address, you will not be able to receive any of our newsletters or otherwise register on our websites or use our applications. If you refuse to provide your credit card number, you will not be able to purchase products at a Canada Royal Milk online store. However, to simply browse our websites and learn more about our products, you do not need to give us any personal information.
6. Who do we disclose your personal information to and why?
Canada Royal Milk will not share your personal information with any third party that intends to use it for direct marketing purposes unless we have specifically informed you and you have given us specific permission to do this.
We may share your personal information with our headquarters (Feihe Ltd.) and sister companies, companies in which Canada Royal Milk has control through either direct or indirect ownership. Canada Royal Milk may also share your personal information with third parties, but only in the following circumstances:
Service Providers, Agents and Contractors
We may use third parties, like service providers, agents, or contractors to provide support for the internal operations of our websites and applications and to assist us with administering our websites and applications or the various functions, programs and promotions available to you. Some of these third parties may be located outside the country where you accessed this website. These third parties and its employees may meet your personal information in the course of providing their services to us. Any such third party must always provide the same levels of security for your personal information as Canada Royal Milk and, where required, are bound by a legal agreement to keep your personal information private, secure and to process it only on the specific instructions of Canada Royal Milk.
Credit reporting agencies/debt collectors
To the extent permitted by applicable law, credit reporting agencies and debt collectors are external companies that we use to help us to verify your creditworthiness (for orders with invoice) or to collect outstanding invoices.
Partners and Joint Promotions
From time to time, we may run a joint or co-sponsored program or promotion on our website or application with another company, organization, or other reputable third party; and, as part of this event, collect and process personal information. If your personal information is being collected by (or is shared with) a company other than Canada Royal Milk as part of such promotion, we will let you know this at the time your personal information is collected. Periodically, we may run a promotion on our website or application that features the products or services of another company and will give you the opportunity to opt in to receive information directly from that third party company. When doing any promotion involving another company, we may provide a separate link to that company’s privacy policy and we encourage you to read it before you share any personal information, as we cannot guarantee they adhere to the same privacy practices. If you do not want your information to be collected by or shared with a company other than ours, you can always choose not to opt in or participate in these events at the time the personal information is collected/requested.
Legal and Business Transfers
We may also disclose your personal information if we are required to do so by law, or if in our good faith judgment, such action is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes, to respond to any claims, enforce the terms of any agreement or the terms of our website, or to protect the safety, property, privacy or rights of Canada Royal Milk, its customers, or the public.
In the event of a merger or acquisition of all or part of Canada Royal Milk by another company, or if Canada Royal Milk were to sell or dispose of all or a part of the Canada Royal Milk business, the acquirer would have access to the information maintained by that Canada Royal Milk business, which could include personal information. Similarly, personal information may be transferred as part of a corporate reorganization, insolvency proceeding, or other similar event, if permitted by and done in accordance with applicable law.
Aggregate Information
We may share aggregated demographic or survey information with third parties, but this information is in anonymous form and does not contain any personal information. The aggregate information that we share may include anonymous information that is captured with cookies and other similar tracking technology, as explained in Section 8 below.
7. How can you access, modify, or make other choices regarding the use of your personal information?
The following outlines the choices you have with respect to the collection and use of your personal information by us.
You always have the option not to share any of your personal information with us. However, if you choose this option, you will be limited in the activities and features we can provide you.
If you do not want to receive newsletters, announcements, or other communications and/or services from a Canada Royal Milk website or brand, please do not opt-in for those communications or services at the time of registration. If you have opted-in and, later, wish to opt-out, please click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the marketing communication sent by Canada Royal Milk or visit the appropriate “your account” or “your profile” section(s) on our website or application and amend your preferences.
Along with every e-mail marketing communication sent to you, we provide you the opportunity to discontinue receiving future marketing communications (i.e., unsubscribe). Simply follow the unsubscribe process or directions provided in the email. Please read our “Marketing communications” section for limitations on certain administrative communications, order confirmations, and account notifications.
Subject to our right to retain certain information (see Section 10), you can always review, update or withdraw consent to Canada Royal Milk’s processing of any personal information that we may have collected about you including for our general website and application registration. To do this, please visit the appropriate “your account” or “your profile” section(s) on our website or application (if available).